Monday, September 27, 2010

The first step is the most difficult

You really can do all what you want to do. Simply by getting out there and start doing it. It's not the distance.... it's the first step that is truly the most difficult.

This video is not just about running. If you want that college degree or simply want to tackle those weeds in your back yard, I hope you consider putting on your shoes and getting out there. Once you do, you'll feel your spirit soar.


Anonymous said...

WOW! Very inspiring. I cried for joy!


Anonymous said...

Thank you! That was very inspiring! I needed it today as I am doing my 20 miler for my training for my first marathon (NYC). If I want to do it. I just need to do it. :)
(I was originally brought to your blog from the Michael Miller site. I just had to see who was behind that adorable prom print. Retro fabric designer AND runner. I heart you!)
Stephanie from IL

doodlegirl said...

Hi Stephanie! GOOD LUCK on your FIRST MARATHON!!! I hope you were able to run 20 miles today! That's so impressive!! Sending you a ton of warm thoughts and a limitless dose of energy for your runs and ultimately the race!!!