While cleaning up over the weekend, I came across my old scrapbook packed-full of drawings, stories, letters, photos, newspaper articles and
If you click on the photo, you can see my old skin taped to masking tape. Torn off by the ashcan in the car.
I remember that day.
I was riding in the backseat of my mom's green Ford Galaxy 500 to San Francisco with my mom and Nana in the front seat and my sister and brother in the backseat . While the two smoked cheerfully in the front seat, us kids would roll down the window for fresh air and Nana would turn around and say, "Now kids, roll up that window. With all that wind blowing in your ear, you might get an ear-ache".
So we'd roll our eyes and the window back up and hold our breaths for as long as we could before fainting.
"MOM! Kelly's touching me!" Wally tattled.
"Am not."
"Are, too!"
"No, I'm not!"
"You kids get along! Do not make me stop this car on this busy freeway!"
"Shawn's looking at me funny." Kelly squealed.
"I am not."
"Yes you are!"
"No I'm not!"
"Yes, you are! You just did it again!"
"Mom? Kelly's lying!" I'd protest.
"Oh! never mind!," she'd giggle. "I forgot. She didn't mean to look at me funny. She's just funny looking!"
"That's enough!" my mom would shout from the driver's seat. " I don't want to hear another peep from any of you the rest of the drive!"
"peeeep!" someone would whisper.
And then there was silence except for the beating of our hearts. And sheer panic.
"Okay! That's it! I'm pulling over!!!"
I nervously played with the ashcan in the arm of the door when it caught my skin.
"Now who's crying!? Is that you Shawn? If you don't stop crying, I'll really give you something to cry about!"
"But ... mom!" I'd sobbed.
"The ... (sob) ashtray .. . just ... took ... the skin ... (sob) ... off my finger!!" I'd cry through blinding tears.
It was just a short ride to the City but it always seemed much longer when you're sitting in the backseat with the windows rolled up with your brother and sister squeezed in there beside you.