Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Dressing Up

(I'm on the left and my sister is on the right. Fairfax, CA)

Remember when you were a kid and you had all the energy and imagination in the world? Even after bathing in Mr. Bubble (and who couldn't resist creating a beard of soap with that amazing stuff!) and getting into your favorite pajamas, you could still play endlessly while watching The Wonderful World of Disney on a black and white TV.


Doodlestreet said...

Oh man, that is pretty darn cute. I can see who that ham was in your family. ;0)
Mr. Bubble! I forgot about that...I LOVED that stuff! It was less of a hygiene product and more of a toy....

Janet said...

OoOoh! Cool glasses! I like the couch, too!

Michele Miles said...

I loved Mr. Bubble beards...I think I remember breathing it in and coughing up bubbles. And wasn't "The Wonderful World of Disney" great?

I loved those Mutual of Omaha animal shorts with the otters and the announcer would say things like, "Now, Elmer got a hankering to slide into the water."

Watching those in jammies... ah memories.

Shawn, you and your sister and completely, adorably goofy! Love this.

danny said...

"Madam, How do you do?" the little cartoon kid in the bathtub Mr. Bubble commercial. that is forever etched in my mind...Thanks for your constant stream of childhood memories! and thank you for another glimpse of what life was! you and kelly look hilarious!

ValGalArt said...

Haha , very charming! The Mr Bubble commercial influenced me greatly! Thanks for the memories!

Laney said...

such a small little paragraph has the power to bring back childhood...thank you