A lady from a large grocery store chain with a bakery department called me on the phone from seemingly nowhere and asked if I would like to come in for an interview to be a cake decorator.
A cake decorator! I never had ever thought of being a cake decorator before-- except maybe once when I was using my Easy Bake Oven as a kid. It sort of appealed to me in that moment.
"When do you want me to come in?" I asked.
"Anytime today, " she said. "Just come into the Manager's office and ask for Char."
So I did. She took one look at me and said, "You're hired".
It felt pretty nice to being hired so quickly and easily on the spot. But then my smile and feeling good about myself faded instantly when she said, "You'll be making approximately $8 an hour, just four hours a day, then we take out $40 of union pay out of your paycheck each week so you'll gross $120 and with taxes and benefits taken out, you can probably count on about $78 a week. Sound good? Plus, you get one floating holiday off your first year and then after that you get your birthday and anniversary date off. Come in on Monday, to pick up your uniform"!
On Sunday, I walked into that large grocery store and told the young teenage manager that I could not take the job.
She just jeered at me and blew so hard, the bangs of her hair flowed back and forth by her breath and said, "Well, it's a GOOD THING you didn't quit AFTER we paid the money for you to attend Cake Decorating School!"
Though I'm sure you would have been a G R E A T cake decorator...I have to say I'm happy you didn't take the job. And I love the chocolate-covered pig :o)
what a funny story! wow a whopping 78 bucks a week, at least that would have covered gas.
Cute drawing of the pig getting caught snacking on the cake before it was time! I wonder how you would have designed your cake if you wounded up as a cake decorating graduate!
Your illo is aborable and I want some of that chocolate cake!!! This is a fun story and i bet it would be a fun job for about a week at those wages and then you would dislike cake and that would be a crime!
Your cake decorator story is great. I also love your "That's Disgusting" post - very funny and... well... disgusting.
Funny!I'll bet you woulda been a great cake decorator, too!
I have been enjoying reading your blog!!!
I want to tell you that I quit my $80,000 easy sales job when my husband got seariously ill. I stayed home with him and worked part time up until his death at the deli department of a huge chain department store. I made $6.85/hr and only worked part-time. It was the hardest I had ever worked! Kudos to those who slave in Grocery Stores.
But I'm happy you didn't have to experience that.
Cute happy drawings you do! Keep it up!
Oh my gosh Shawn! Was that anything like making 25 bux a week, and having your: tithe, taxes, and insurance taken out, leaving you only a few bux to pray over to decide if you should buy deordorant, or splurge on a flippin' ice cream cone for the week? yeah, I thought so.
LOL! Very cute and funny, love the story!!! LOve the illo too! Love the cake or frosting on the mouth!
Hah! I love the bright colors of this illo, and I enjoyed your story.
I hate when something sounds like a really great job until you get in there and then you find out that it's barely a step above slavery. Although, cake decorating does sound like fun. Love the pig pic. He looks so happy!
This is lovely!! Sooo cute. It would make a great B-day card!
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