Sunday, April 22, 2007

You did it again

Just when I started to trust you again.

Just when I believed I could depend on you.

Even though I knew you were probably still unstable, I began to feel more comfortable with you. I believed you wouldn't let me down like you did before because you have good logic which you lacked before.

But. You did it again last night.

Shame on you Mac. You lost your drive.

You've had two logic boards put in you already and now Apple is saying your hard drive needs to be replaced. And you might be losing your power. You are only two years old Mac.

I think you are a bit fat lemon. I just can't rely on you anymore.

You are no longer the Apple of my eye.


Doodlestreet said...

When I first started to read this, I thought, "Oh my gosh! Who is treating her like this?", then I read on! Hhahahahahha....BAD MAC! Time to use that puppy for a door wedge!

I better not say that too loud, my mac has really sensitive hearing....

ferris said...

You're the funniest, most cleveriest person I know.
I laughed out loud when I read that. How do you still keep doing that to me after all these years?

Jannie aka Chickengirl said...

awww nooo...I hope my mac doesnt suffer the same fate...

violetismycolor said...

Nothing worse than an unreliable computer! I've had my share, too.