We are having a cluster of small mini earthquakes shaking us about 25 miles north of where I live. It seems to be happening nearly every hour but most are too small to feel. You can view the lastest earthquakes
here. You can click on the cluster of earthquakes or on any of the colored squares to get more information.
Just this morning already, earthquakes have hit at 2:14 am, 2:36 am, 3:15 am, 4:32 am, 6:05 am, 8:05 am, 9:04 am, 9:20 am, and 10:01 am.
This pattern has been going on for several days now. Does this mean the big one is coming? And are we prepared? How are we ever fully prepared?
(Click to view larger)
Bless your heart!I just clicked on that link and saw where earthquakes are hitting all over California today! It's a beautiful place (my aunt lives in Tahoe City), but I'll stay here in Vero Beach with our hurricanes. At least we know when they're coming.
I'll take Texas and the tornados.....
Yikes! yeah I wonder if it's prelude to a Big One! or just letting off a little steam...Got your bottled water and batteries ready?
Yeahh... i guess we all live some place where there is some sort of castrophy about to happen. Have I stored up bottled water? no. Do I have some batteries? Well. Yeah. Sorta. I can always take them out of the remote control.. unless these need to be D Batteries for the flashlight.. then I don't have those either. :O(
Hey, don't feel too bad about not havin' that stuff...I've always kinda questioned the whole flashlight and water thing anyway...
...so, lets say the quake hits here. I'm three floors up...by the time I hit the ground from a serious earthquake, that last thing I'm gunna worry about is a flashlight and water...and if my place is THAT damaged that I need those things, I'll just move.
To another state.
Have the earthquakes calmed down? I so would not be pleased by any of that.
Then again, we have yearly swarms of tornados.
Now that I think about it....do you want to trade?
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