Experts are saying that black and white geometrical patterns are easiest for newborns and babies to see. With that said, (and because my boss asked me to)... I designed a line of fabric with black and white geometrical patterns. Well, okay.... the color red wanted to join in the fun, too! And I love those three colors together!
The fabric above is my all-time favorite of the entire line. I loved drawing it up and fitting it into a repeat pattern. I had to think on both sides of the brain which felt really good to me. I lean so heavily on the right side, I really need the left side to get some exercise!
Here are those critters again in a grid. Crafters can cut the squares out and applique them onto onesies or toddler shirts. Or use it as an already-made quilt!

You designed these? How awesome! I love them.
thaaanks for your enthusiasm.
They are fab! i want some!!! This would be a showstopper if you made a tote for your groceries...
Those look awesome shawn! very well done! I'd gladly wear a shirt with those patterns, ha!
Love that chickie-doo!
I like red, TOO!
Fantastic! As always your designs are just wonderful.
I found someone who has been using your Dick and Jane fabric.
and this link for another design on her site
I remember you said you like seeing what people do with your fabrics so I thought you might like to see.
Thank you for sending me that link! That was the first time I saw that! And in a weird sort of way, can you believe I'm actually gonna meet JCaroline in Portland in two weeks when I attend the Spring Quilt Market!
Such a remarkable feat of events. Thanks again Rayne! I lOooOved that!
These are really really cute!
so YOU'RE the mastermind behind this line of fabric. i can't tell you how much fun it was to work with!!!! genius!!!
Joanna! I am such a huge fan of your work! Did you sew all those adorable things for the crib that was shown at Quilt Market!? If so, I want to give you credit!
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