Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wanna be a fabric designer?

Have you ever considered being a Fabric Designer?
If you are nodding your head, then his could be a dream come true for you!
Spoonflower and Michael Miller Fabrics have gotten together to open up a contest to find Michael Miller Fabric's next licensed designer.

Pretty cool, huh?

Anyone can try their hand at designing. Get in touch with your inner artist. You only have one month from today to submit a Baby Boy Print to Spoonflower.

The one with the most votes win.

So get a move on. Hurry! Drop by Project Selvage right now because your dream starts there!


Anonymous said...

Your previous post/youtube was appropriately titled: NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS so this is a wonderful prelude to what my dreams can experience. Thank you. I think I can do this. I'm going to give it my best shot. Thanks, doodlegirl!

Anonymous said...

I meant to sign my name:

Martha O'Malley, Inglewood, CA