My neighbor's house burned down today. It happened because the young boy left a candle burning in his bedroom.
I rode my bike past it again tonight and stared at the black shell. The two topiaries are still standing proudly on both sides of the front door but i know in a short matter of time, they will lose their confidence and turn to shrub. And the grass will undoubtedly die of thirst . The home will be abandoned for way too many long months before it is rebuilt. It'll be its own graveyard.
The mom was out at the mall when the fire started. She was probably buying new clothes with all the Memorial Days sales going on. Maybe even spending her stimulus refund check. One moment, they had everything. Now all she has is what she was carrying inside her bag.
Thank God she still has her family.
And pets. Their iguanas were rescued and gasping fresh air in the front yard.
I felt so saddened by their tragedy. What do you say to someone who just lost their home?
You just never know when what you have surrounding you will disappear. And what really only matters are the people in our life.
Tragedy has a way of reminding us that.
I pedaled my way back home and was grateful to have a home to walk into. I walked into my new kitchen to start painting the walls and even though I'm thrilled to have this newly updated kitchen. It's still just a kitchen.
And I know only too well that there are things more important than a kitchen.
And that's you.