I took these photos last week at the International Quilt Market in Portland.
This baby crib displays all of the First Sight fabric line! The fabric was spray-starched onto the lampshade. It's really simple to do and I can't wait to spray-starch some of my fabric on lamp shades at home!
Kathy explains how to do it on her blog here.

Isn't it exciting to see your designs placed into product?!! That's the coolest thing ever! Such great design, and then to be placed in nicely done packaging and product...it's very inspiring!
You ROCK girlfriend!! Go Shawn, Go!!!
OMG I want a gift set. I love this.
You amaze me.
hi SHawn!
just stopping by to say again how great it was to meet you - thanks for sharing the michael miller cab with me!
Thanks ya guys! I want to have this gift set, too! I don't know why it didn't occur to me to ask for one when I saw piles of them in Portland!
I loved meeting you, too, Melissa and I'm wishing you all the very best of everything wonderful with your new fabric line!
Your fabric designs are always awesome, Shawn :)
You come up with the coolest designs! Totally loving the d and black and look at those beavers. Very retro.
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