Should I take the time to run into Rite Aid? I only had a few minutes, but if I hurried, I could do it. I only needed to pick up a couple of things.
The line was short and I felt so happy and relieved I made the right decision to run in there. I made it through in lightening speed.
"Would you like cash back?"
"Sure," I reply. "Forty dollars, please."
A quick decision that would save me trip to the bank. Or. So I thought.
She handed me $40 with my small bag of purchases and my receipt. I rarely ever look down at my receipt. But, as I walked out the door, I happened to glance at it for a moment and noticed the sales woman overcharged me $360 dollars!
I turn around and return to her counter.
"There's been a mistake...." I begin to tell her.
"Please get at the end of the line and I will help you."
I look up and there is a long line of people circling around and down the aisle. I was in a huge hurry. I didn't have time to stand back in line and, I didn't think I should stand in line for a mistake the sales woman made.
"I'd like to see the manager", I said, feeling proud of myself for my quick thinking in the rush to get this resolved so I could leave the store.
A young manager still in braces walks up to me, looks at my receipt, puzzled. He didn't know what to make of it.
"Are you sure she didn't give you $400? Did you count your bills?"
"Yes, both of them. It is $40."
I show him the two $20 bills that were still clutched in my hand along with the receipt.
After the line cleared, the sales clerk said she was ready to help me. They decided the only thing they could do was to give me $360 in cash so I can drive to the bank to deposit it back into my account. Naturally, the bank was several miles away in the opposite direction I was going and there was a lot of traffic and the red light lasted longer than usual.
Lesson learned. Nothing takes a few minutes. Especially if you're in a hurry.