I am back from the Big Apple.
I really love it there! I felt so familiar with it this time around. I loved that I knew how to get around that big wonderful City. That I got it. That I understood the scope of the land. It felt empowering.
Tonight I feel the let-down of returning from a fun trip only to have lawns to water and floors to sweep and laundry to clean and a hungry belly to shop for. I am happy to have my memories to explore and relive again. But still. . .
Remember when you were a kid and you had summer vacations off?
I think that must be ingrained in all us forever.
If I were Queen of America, I would make that a law: To have summer vacations off. --Unless you love to ski and snowboard and make angels in the snow, of course.
And then you could take the winter months off and work during the summer while we sit poolside or walk along hot steamy streets of New York City or picking up sea shells off the North Carolina coast or watch the muscle men along Venice Beach or swim with the turtles off the coast of Maui....
But since I'm not Queen of America.. I will take my days off when I can and make the most of them when I have them to enjoy.
Like this past weekend.
People watching in Soho was a kick.

I got to fly first class on United Airlines and the service really was first class all the way. From the menu to the movies to the customer service. I was so happy we had such a long flight. I transformed my seat into a bed. I transformed it back again into a small restaurant. And then into a theater for one. Everyone was so kind. So interesting to talk to. It was a holiday all on its own.
Please click on a portion of the menu to see it larger.

I might be flying back to NYC with my mom over the Forth of July weekend to attend my cousin's daughter's wedding. It's still so up in the air. We really need to hurry and make our decision. If we do decide to fly out there, we'll be flying by the seat of our pants.
Just wish we could really fly by the seat of our pants.
Oooo, how you poetically and singularly captured all kinds of places we can go....glad you got home safe shawnee!
You've got my vote for Queen of Americal!
OH! That would totally work! Some people take of the winter and some the summer. That would be perfect!
Love the photos.
When I was younger and lived on the east coast my favorite thing to do was to sit in the observation level of the Twin Towers and just people watch. Some of the most amazing characters would come through there to just sight see or sit and eat lunch. It was great.
welcome back...but NYC is such a fun place to visit...so much to do and see...
The Big Apple - could it be a dance? Could it have been the Depression of the '30's...in Chicago one of the big ad agencies gave out apples then and I wonder if the competition between the two cities drove NYC to consider itself the big one?! Whatever, one can certainly take a bite out of life there!!
Thx for your encouragement on unloading stuff. Getting rid of the 30 yrs of poems freed me of a lot of history. I'm a new woman! Is it that easy? Time will tell!
It seems we always miss each other in our travels. usually by a week or so. i was in NY the week before you. didn't see as many interesting people though. ;)
Thanks everyone for your comments! Courtney! Does this mean you are going to be in Houston within a week of July 19-22? Go figure!
Why aren't you Queen of America? I heart NY! i will be in Soho in Aug. :) Sounds and looks like a fabulous trip!
I love this whole post, and now I can't get the image of Shawn flying by the seat of her pants out of my head, and it's making me laugh. Damn you!!
Nice brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.
Loved reading this thannks
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