You're feeling happy. The house is clean. You have candles lit. The house is warm. Food in the oven. Friends are coming over. And then the cat vomits on your sofa.
Disappointments always show up unexpectedly.
Home repairs.
Money difficulties.
And cat vomit.
I think the most importance in all this is how we react to these challenges. My reactions to disappointments today ultimately affects the happiness and quality of my life tomorrow. And then the next day.
Life isn't perfect. But there are perfect moments in this life. Just like the one that's slipping away half-noticed as I finish writing out this sentence. Makes me feel sorta anxious like I ought to be doing something much more significant than typing this post.
So off I go.... have a great day. And seek out those perfect moments.
Ewww yikes!...well that's a good perspective. There's always gonna be hurdles and speed bumps and roadblocks, big and small. Getting past them with grace is the trick.
And you have it, Shawn!
thanks dan!
Glass half full or half empty??? You could ask, "Clean side showing or vomit side showing?"!
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